
Exies Acmy BC were blessed the day the Stute’s arrived at our Club.

Despite not having a basketball background, Helen was determined to find some way to contribute to the club her children played with and offered her services as Administration Secretary.

Since taking on this role Helen has been instrumental in ensuring the club’s constitution and policies, including our Child Safe Policies and WWCCs are all up to date and meet legal requirements of being a Club.

Helen has worked tirelessly to ensure communication across all channels is up to speed, get our affairs in order and manage our committee meetings with detailed agendas, minutes and timely follow up of all issues raised.

Helen is ably supported by her tech savvy hubby Richard who is guiding us in the cyber world and also more than willing to fill a coaching role when we are short or looking for a fill in.

The four Stute children all play in our program and are also always ready to fill a spot if needed. Jess & Dan play Under 14, Tom Under 12 and Paddy Under 10.  All the children follow the great role modelling of their helpful parents and are often seen carrying boxes of merchandise in and out of the stadium or running errands for whoever asks.

The Stute’s are certainly a family that deserve the recognition of BENDIGO BANK FAMILY of the WEEK!